Andrew Harms

Andrew Harms

Student Spotlight - Andrew Harms

Eagle Scout is the highest achievement attainable in Boy Scouts of America program. The designation "Eagle Scout" was founded over one hundred years ago, and the requirements necessary to achieve this rank take years to fulfill.
The rank of Eagle Scout may be earned by a Boy Scout who has been a Life Scout for at least six months, has earned a minimum of 21 merit badges and has demonstrated leadership within his troop, team, crew or ship. Additionally, he must plan, develop, and lead a service project—the Eagle Project—that demonstrates both leadership and a commitment to duty. After all requirements are met, he must complete an Eagle Scout board of review.

Andrew Harms has worked for many years preparing for his Eagle Project. The project used over $5,600 in donated and borrowed material and required permits, careful planning, and organization. This past Sunday, in front of mentors, friends and family he completed his Eagle Scout board review and was awarded the distinction of Eagle Scout.

Here is a little bit about the hard work that went into Andrew’s Eagle Project…



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