November 7th Shadow Day

St. Rose High School Public School Shadow Day is a great opportunity for prospective "public school" students to visit St. Rose during a real academic school day. Guests participate in a campus tour and classroom visits, and experience first-hand the spark that has kept the spirit of St. Rose burning for the past 100 years.  We invite parents to take back control of their child's education and be part of a school that knows everyone by name, values the uniqueness of each individual, and challenges them to Be More!

Start an application here

Thank you for your interest in St. Rose High School!
Everyone who signed up should have received an email confirmation and text message.  See the guidelines and reminders below:

Public School Shadow Day Guidelines & Reminders

  • Students should arrive by 8:00am and be dressed in smart casual, Catholic School appropriate, attire.

  • All visitors must enter our building through the main entrance on 7th Avenue.  Due to the arrival of school buses and our student body, the area on 7th Avenue in front of school will be closed to thru traffic.  We encourage you to drop students off at the corner of 7th and Main Street  

  • Student Ambassadors will be at the 7th/Main corner to help welcome and direct guests to the main entrance.

  • Members of my team will be greeting guests in our foyer and will direct them to the Library for check-in and to connect with a student ambassador.

  • Students will be paired with an Ambassador who is excited to share the St. Rose experience.  

  • Ambassadors will escort student guests to homeroom and the day's classes.  November 7th is a "B" Day and students have three classes in the morning followed by our Flex and Lunch periods, and then three classes in the afternoon.

  • Your child will go to lunch with their Ambassador so we suggest to pack a lunch or bring $5-10 to purchase food/snacks/drinks in the cafe.  

  • The Shadow day will end at 1:30pm and your child can be picked up on 7th Avenue in front of our main entrance.  The street is open at that time but please proceed with caution as the Grammar school students cross the street for lunch around that time.