New Family Q&A Zoom
We are hosting a virtual session to help onboard new families to St. Rose High School. This event is not required, however your attendance is highly encouraged. The purpose of the Q&A session is to equip new families with the information needed to ensure a smooth start of school. Students are welcomed to attend too but the information is more geared for parents. In addition to taking your questions, we plan on covering the following topics:
Wednesday, July 26th @7pm
- What to expect leading up to the first day of school.
- Learning how to access:
- Summer Work
- School Email and everything Google
- Genesis for student schedules/grades/attendance
- School Key Dates Calendar
- Master School Calendar
- Parent Facebook Group
- School Supplies Starter List
- How the Rotating Drop Schedule works
- Bring your Own Device Policy and Options
- Registering for Athletics
- Payschools and establishing a Lunch Account
- Completing Back to School Forms
- Downloading our Mobile App
- Student IDs
- School Uniforms & School Spirit Store
- Transportation
- Tuition and Fees
- Important Dates you Need to Know
- Review what you need to know
- How will St. Rose communicate with you
- Who should you contact for...
- Meet our Guidance Counselors
- Meet our Leadership Team
- What to expect at New Student Orientation
- Important Dates you Need to Know
- Back to School Night
- Q&A
The session will be recorded and made available, however, we encourage you to attend live so you can get any additional questions answered.