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Media Center

Our librarians and technology specialists provide a vast array of books and resources uniquely suited to the learning needs of our students and faculty. The Ottilie R. King Memorial Library
holds an extensive, yet curated, collection exactly targeted to the level and subject interest they serve. This allows students a high degree of choice within the safe boundaries of appropriate materials, including print and digital books, as well as online research and other resources. This approach aligns with our mission to ‘know each child’ as well as the library's mission to foster a love of reading and discovery in a 21st century learning environment.

The Innovation Lab

Located adjacent to The Ottilie R. King Memorial Library, the St. Rose Innovation Lab is a space for collaborative work and independent study. Students can assemble a project, immerse themselves in foreign language conversation or take an advanced course online. The 3D printer, engineering and robotic supplies, and large screen monitors allow students to turn their innovative ideas into reality.

The Ottilie R. King Memorial Library

Dedicated in loving memory of Ottilie R. King (1922-1979),a Jersey Shore writer and mother of fifteen children who volunteered in the St. Rose library for many years.

Library Resources

The Ottilie R. King Memorial Library provides information well beyond its walls. Online databases, ebooks,a dedicated reference station and thirty-two Google Chromebooks allow St. Rose students to research and learn from a multitude of sources.