Academic Departments
The St. Rose faculty is devoted to providing an innovative and challenging curriculum. SRHS teachers are certified by the New Jersey Department of Education, and 90% of them hold advanced degrees in their subject areas.
Click a department below to meet the faculty and learn more about the courses offered.
- Theology
- English
- Social Studies
- World Languages
- Mathematics
- Engineering
- Business and Technology
- Science
- Humanities
- Health and Physical Education
All students take courses in Theology and share in service opportunities by performing one required service task each marking period. Service tasks are counted as part of the student’s grade point average. Completion of these tasks is necessary for promotion and graduation. Each student is required to participate in the retreats and spirituality programs offered by the school.
- Catholic Faith/Morality (Freshman Theology)
- Sacred Scripture (Sophomore Theology)
- Social Justice (Junior Theology)
- World Religions (Senior Theology)
- Spirituality and Prayer 1 semester
- Church History 1 semester
Catholic Faith/Morality (Freshman Theology)
This is a foundation course in the core beliefs of the Catholic Church. Using the Apostles Creed, students will explore the dogmas and doctrines of the Catholic Faith with a concentration on the Paschal Mystery. This will also include an overview of the Sacraments and different forms of prayer in the church. In the second semester, students will examine Catholic Morality using the 10 Commandments as a guide. Sin and conscience formation will also be included in this course.
Sacred Scripture (Sophomore Theology)
The purpose of this course is to give the students a general knowledge and appreciation of Sacred Scripture. Through their study of the Bible, they will come to encounter the living Word of God, Jesus Christ. Students will examine how to read the Bible and will become familiar with the major sections of the Bible and the books included in each section. In the first semester, the concentration is on the Old Testament. Students will explore the key moments in Salvation History from Creation to the Birth of Christ. The second semester will concentrate on the New Testament with particular attention on the Gospels, where the students will come to know and love Jesus Christ more personally.
Social Justice (Junior Theology)
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the Church’s social teaching. The Seven Catholic Social Teachings of the Church will be the centerpiece for this course. These themes will then be related to the justice issues of our world today. Students will examine the Church’s stand on these issues through the use of Scripture, Pastoral Letters and documents of the Church. The center of this course will revolve around Christ’s concern for others, especially the poor and needy. Students will examine Pope Francis’ emphasis on this aspect of the Church’s social teaching and mission in today’s world.
World Religions (Senior Theology)
The purpose of this course is to help the students understand the manner in which the Catholic Church relates to non-Christian religions as well as the other religions of the world. Building on the foundational truth that Jesus Christ established the Catholic Church and entrusted to her the fullness of God’s Revelation, the course is intended to help students to recognize the ways in which important spiritual truths can also be found in non-Catholic Christian religions. It also emphasizes the ways in which other systems of belief and practice differ from Catholic Faith. The second semester will concentrate on vocations in life. Students will come to understand how Christ calls us to live a certain vocation. In this course, students will examine how all vocations are similar and how they differ. The course will be structured around single life, priestly life, consecrated life and a concentration on married life. Students will explore what it means to live life for the benefit of others and the value in considering a vocation as service in the Christian Community.
Spirituality and Prayer 1 semester
The goal of this course is to help students to grow in their Catholic Spirituality. The course will be divided into four parts. Students will be introduced to different forms of prayer such as Centering Prayer, Meditation, Contemplation, and Lectio Divina. They will have time to practice using these prayer forms in class. Students will examine the lives of some of our Catholic Saints who are Mystics such as Teresa of Avila, John of the Cross and Therese of Lisieux. Since the Sisters of St. Joseph are so integral to St. Rose High School, students will be introduced to the history, mission and charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph. Finally, the Eucharist is the Center of our worship and the Source and Summit of the life of the Church. Students will, therefore, explore the theology, spirituality and liturgical prayer of the Eucharist.
Church History 1 semester
This elective course will supply the students with a general knowledge of the Church’s History from apostolic times to the present. Students will be introduced to the fact that the Church was founded by Jesus Christ through the Apostles and is sustained by Him throughout history through the Holy Spirit. Students will examine how the Church is the living Body of Christ today and, as such, has both divine and human elements. They will explore the Church’s 2,000 years of history and how the Church is led and governed by the successors of the Apostles. 11,12
All students study the skills and applications of English through improvements in the use of grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and critical thinking skills. Students explore the development and impact of the language as they appreciate literature in a variety of genres.
- English 1 Introduction to Genre
- English 1 Introduction to Genre Honors
- English 2 American Literature
- English 2 American Literature Honors
- English 3 British Literature
- English 3 British Literature Honors
- Advanced Placement English Language and Composition
- English 4 Contemporary and Classic World Literature
- English 4 Contemporary and Classic World Literature Honors
- Advanced Placement English: Literature and Composition
- Non-European Literature
- Publications and Digital Media Honors
- Heroes and Villains
- Creative Writing 1 CPA and Honors
- Creative Writing 2 CPA and Honors
English 1 Introduction to Genre
This course for freshmen provides a firm basis for the future study of all literary forms. Students critically approach literature as they participate in weekly reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar study. Focus is also placed on the reading of novels and plays. Speech and critical thinking development are achieved through active class participation. Summer reading assignments are required.
English 1 Introduction to Genre Honors
This accelerated course in literary genre for advanced freshmen includes extensive reading and an in depth study of representative selections of short stories, novels, drama and poetry. Students critically approach literature as they participate in weekly reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar study. Speech and critical thinking development are achieved through active class participation.
English 2 American Literature
Sophomores will continue their study of literature by applying skills and literary criticism to the literature of the Americas. While maintaining a base in Classic American literature, the course integrates modern selections from both North and South America for complete multicultural study. Active student participation is required through discussions and assignments. Reading, writing and oral skills are emphasized.
English 2 American Literature Honors
Sophomores will continue their study of literature by applying skills and literary criticism to the literature of the Americas. While maintaining a base in Classic American Literature, the course integrates modern selections from both North and South America for a complete multicultural study. Active student participation is required through collaborative discussions and assignments. Reading, writing and oral skills are emphasized with a focus on analysis of literature.
English 3 British Literature
This college preparatory course focuses on a chronological exploration of British Literature ranging from the Anglo-Saxons through contemporary works. Students study the historical background of the period, literary techniques and criticism. Emphasis is placed on the utilization of skills such as comprehension, writing, vocabulary and grammar. Outside reading, a research paper and class participation are mandatory.
English 3 British Literature Honors
This advanced course for third year students concentrates on a thematic exploration of literature ranging from the Anglo Saxons through contemporary works. Students employ a critical approach to literature as they participate in class discussion, weekly reading and writing, regular vocabulary and grammar usage. At least one outside reading of a novel or play per quarter, speech, short typed papers, and one typed research paper are expected. Students employ researching skills.
Advanced Placement English Language and Composition
Qualified, highly motivated students pursue an intense college level study which engages students in becoming skilled readers of prose written in a variety of rhetorical contexts and in becoming skilled writers who compose for a variety of purposes. Through their writing and their reading, students will be aware of their interactions with writers’ purposes, audience expectations, and subjects as well as the way generic conventions and these resources of language contribute to effectiveness in writing. Students compose weekly essays, take sample AP examinations throughout the year and compose research papers.
English 4 Contemporary and Classic World Literature
This college preparatory course for seniors focuses on contemporary authors such as: Angelou, Quindlen, King, and Miller; as well as classic authors such as: Sophocles, Shakespeare, Ibsen, and other notables. The program incorporates literary technique and critique, weekly reading and writing, regular vocabulary and grammar improvement and application, outside reading of one novel or play per quarter, active class participation, short typed papers, and one research paper.
English 4 Contemporary and Classic World Literature Honors
This college preparatory course for seniors focuses on contemporary as well as classic authors. The program concentrates on developing critical thinking and extensive analytical essay writing. Incorporated into the program are literary technique and critique, weekly reading and writing, regular vocabulary and grammar improvement and application, outside reading, active class participation, short typed papers and one research paper.
Advanced Placement English: Literature and Composition
Qualified highly motivated students pursue an intense college level study of critical reading and analysis of selected literary works covering the various genres of drama, fiction, poetry and nonfiction. Students compose weekly essays, take sample AP examinations through the year and compose a research paper.
Non-European Literature
Full year Juniors and Seniors will focus on an examination of literature from authors of non-European backgrounds. Topics will include a close study of African American, Asian, Latin American, and Middle Eastern literature. Students will analyze works in the context of their historical, social, and cultural backgrounds. Emphasis is placed on close reading, critical writing, vocabulary, and grammar study. Outside reading and class participation are required.
Publications and Digital Media Honors
Full year The objective of the publications course is to produce St. Rose High School’s newspaper (The Courier) and yearbook (Belrose) with a focus on writing and publishing. Social media will be integrated into the course as a way to promote school events. Journalism skills are taught with focus on concept brainstorming, reporting, researching, copy and photo-editing, graphic arts and design. For the development of both the yearbook and the newspaper, emphasis is placed on writing, photo-editing, and on-line design. Students gain skills in time management, project management, problem solving, communication, writing, photography, team building, and conflict resolution.
Heroes and Villains
1 semester Juniors and Seniors will examine issues pertaining to morality and justice through close examination of literary heroes and villains. Reading selections will emphasis how heroes and villains respond to questions of morality and how they are perceived by their actions. Students will analyze modern and classic literary works using historical and social context. Emphasize is placed on close reading, critical writing, vocabulary, and grammar study. Outside reading and participation are required.
Creative Writing 1 CPA and Honors
1 semester Through Creative Writing, students may expand their strength in writing through exploration of observation, imagination, and language. Students are presented various types of genre to enable them to explore their abilities with competence. The course is designed to create positive habits, enhance creativity, and develop critical thinking skills. Through responding to assigned literature, students are encouraged to observe, interpret, understand different perspectives, analyze, and synthesize the materials presented to the students where they learn aesthetically through examination and response to conflict, emotion, empathy, and tragedy. Reading and responding to literature in a creative writing class allows more freedom for the student to select genre that may be more conducive to student interests. The choice allowed them may aid in building inner confidence through selecting topics that are comfortable for them.
Creative Writing 2 CPA and Honors
Social Studies
The following selections invite students to discover the reality of the adage “the past is prologue to the future,” as they encourage students to think critically and logically. Students discover America’s history as well as that of the world in order that they may become well informed citizens.
- World History
- World History Honors
- Advanced Placement World History
- United States History 1
- United States History 1 Honors
- United States History 2
- United States History 2 Honors
- Advanced Placement United States History
- Advanced Placement European History
- Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics
- Introduction to Political and Legal Experiences (IPLE)
- Psychology
- Geography
- Sociology
- Economics
- Current Issues
World History
An academic course that traces the human experience with emphasis on western cultures and enrichment in other global areas. Students will examine significant historical events, accomplishments, and challenges that have influenced the progress of humankind and helped form the world we currently inhabit. In addition to social studies content skills, students will be exposed to oratory and writing skills.
World History Honors
An academic course that traces the human experience with emphasis on global studies from prehistoric history through the 16th century. Students will examine significant historical events through reading comprehension, document analysis, writing, research, rhetoric, and higher-level thinking. Through an analytical approach to history, students will develop the skills and concepts necessary to be successful in this class and the rigors of future Advanced Placement and college courses.
Advanced Placement World History
This course develops an understanding of the evolution of global processes and contacts including interactions over time. This nontraditional approach looks at the common threads of humanity—trade, religion, politics, society, technology, and human interactions with the environment—and investigates how each has changed and continued over time. The course traces the human experience from the emergence of Neolithic cultures to the twenty -first century C.E., emphasizing historical thinking skills, writing skills, and content knowledge essential for success in a college level history course. Students will devote considerable time to the critical evaluation of primary and secondary sources, writing essays, class discussions and Socratic Seminars.
United States History 1
This survey course gives a panoramic view of American development from colonial times to the period of reconstruction. Special emphasis is placed on the causes of the American rebellion, the writing of the Constitution, the Washington, Jefferson and Jackson presidencies, and the events leading to the Civil War and Reconstruction.
United States History 1 Honors
This honors level course explores the fundamental themes of our nation and its peoples. The course is chronological in nature from the age of exploration through the 1880's as it serves as preparation for Advanced Placement United States History. Students trace the development of the United States from a few small settlements into one of the major countries of the world. It covers the early explorers, the birth of the nation, westward movement, sectional strife, industrialization and urbanization.
United States History 2
United States History 2 Honors
This is a highly integrated course in United States History where students will learn to think critically and reflectively. It will study the story of America—its people, geography, democracy, and significance from the reconstruction to the present. Current events and geography skills are integrated into the program.
Advanced Placement United States History
Advanced Placement European History
The students will study European History since 1450 introducing them to cultural, economic, political and social developments that played a fundamental role in shaping the world in which they live. The goals of the Advanced Placement European History course are to develop an understanding of some of the principle themes in modern European history, an ability to analyze historical evidence and historical interpretation, and an ability to express historical understanding in writing. Extensive reading and writing are required in preparation for the Advanced Placement Exam.
Advanced Placement United States Government and Politics
AP United States Government and Politics introduces students to key political ideas, instruction, and policies that characterize the political culture of the United States. The course examines politically significant concepts and themes through which students learn to apply reasoning, assess causes and consequences of political events, and interpret data to develop evidence-based arguments. Students analyze specific topics, including: Political Parties, Interest Groups, Mass Media; Public Policy; and Civil Rights and Civil Liberties. Extensive reading and writing are required in preparation for the Advanced Placement Exam.
Introduction to Political and Legal Experiences (IPLE)
1 semester The IPLE program makes the high school student more aware of his/her role as active participants in the American Democratic system. IPLE provides essential reinforcement of the various group and individual skills. The course places emphasis on critical reading and writing. The written projects are varied between article essays, reaction papers, legal briefs, and research papers. Each marking period includes major group activities that will require participation from the entire class. The Constitution and the Bill of Rights will be studied in depth. IPLE is more than just another social studies course, it is a realistic experience in how the American governmental system works at various levels. Through the various student centered projects and discussion, students will raise their social consciousness and encourage them to act upon this new awareness in light of Catholic social teachings.
The dynamics of human behavior as a science are studied with special attention given to the growth and development of personality, individual differences, special aptitudes and interests, motivation and emotions, intelligence and the learning process. The course aids the students in understanding their own behavior and the behavior of others. Requirements: term paper, periodical reviews, tests and oral presentations.
This is an introductory course in geography. The course covers five themes of geography: location, place, human environmental interactions, movement, and regions. Students will be introduced to basic concepts including mapping, spatial analysis, regions and global connections. This course will focus on various scales of analysis, including local and regional concerns, and global interdependence and connections.
This course examines subjects from the general characteristics of the social order to the specifics of human social institutions. Emphasis here is placed on American social institutions. Through the application of the scientific method, social developments are methodically explored and verified. Within the structure of the course we identify social features, such as the culture, the function of language, our values and habits. Explanations relating to social conduct, life roles, lifestyles, and the basis of our “class structure” are among the other topics included in the course content.
Current Issues
The purpose of this course is to foster a sense of greater global understanding of current events and how they affect life in the United States and abroad. This class will examine current events depicted in varying media sources around the world. The class will focus on current topics from a political, social, economic, and historical viewpoint. Also, all events will be explored by comprehensively analyzing the varying world media sources and how they portray global events with particular attention given to the notion of bias in primary and secondary sources. This analysis will be conducted through routine examination of media outlets, scholarly research, and written reports. In addition to media analysis, current events will be discussed in light of how past events have shaped current topics. In this fashion, a more in depth understanding of current events will be achieved.
World Languages
To take their place in a shrinking world and to grow in appreciation of the multi-cultural world they will inhabit, all students are required to take at least two years of a world language. The department has designed courses to challenge each student’s ability and to stimulate interest in further study of languages. Some courses will allow a few students to contract at the honors level through accomplishments of additional readings and projects.
- French 1
- French 2
- French 3
- French 3 Honors
- French 4 Honors
- Advanced Placement French Language and Culture
- French 5 Honors
- Latn 1
- Latin 2
- Latin Prose Honors
- Latin Poetry Honors
- Spanish 1 and 2 College Prep
- Spanish 1
- Spanish 2
- Spanish 3
- Spanish 3 Honors
- Spanish 4 Honors
- Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture
- Advanced Placement Spanish Literature
- Spanish 5 Honors
- Chinese 1
- Chinese 2
- Chinese 3 Honors
- College Prep Language and Culture
- College Prep Language and Culture 2
French 1
French 1 introduces the student to the basic skills of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Most of the work involves the development of listening and speaking skills. Students learn vocabulary and grammatical structures through the use of dialogues and short readings. Exercises and drills lead to a personalized usage of the language. In order to secure a logical learning sequence, the language smoothly progresses from spoken to written word. Students discover some aspects of culture through appropriate readings.
French 2
French 3
French 3 Honors
This course presents a more complete study of grammar with the introduction of more complex forms and increase emphasis on oral proficiency, reading, writing and the development of creative skills. Students also study French history and literature. Students read independently and create a portfolio of writings.
French 4 Honors
orench 4 offers a comprehensive treatment of grammar, syntax, vocabulary and culture that are essential for continued mastery of the basic skills in both written and spoken language. Students place additional emphasis on conversation and composition and read more extensive, challenging literary works. Students must maintain a journal , read independently, and create a portfolio of writings.
Advanced Placement French Language and Culture
Advanced Placement French Language and Culture is a college-level course intended for students in their fourth year French study. This course is conducted entirely in French, and students are expected to communicate in French at all times in the classroom. Students have the opportunity to demonstrate proficiency by engaging in daily activities that require the three modes of communication (Interpersonal, Interpretive, and Presentation) as defined in the Standards for Foreign Language Learning in the 21st Century. The course is designed around six themes (Global Challenges, Science and Technology, Contemporary Life, Personal and Public Identities, Families and Communities, and Beauty and Aesthetics) that provide a basis for an in-depth study of French language and its many cultures. Students use three primary textbooks to hone their speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills. Authentic materials and resources will also be used on a daily basis to serve as a springboard for discussion of the six major themes and sub-themes.
French 5 Honors
Latn 1
Latin 2
Latin Prose Honors
Latin Poetry Honors
Spanish 1 and 2 College Prep
First and second year Spanish Students in need of assistance, study the skills of language with emphasis on listening and speaking. Students appreciate the language and culture through classroom conversation, audiotapes, videotapes and an accompanying text. They perform basic readings and translations and learn aspects of Hispanic Culture and geography. This program does not prepare students to continue on to Spanish 3.
Spanish 1
This course introduces the student to the basic skills of language: listening, speaking, reading and writing. Students learn vocabulary and grammatical structures through the use of audio-visual presentations, dialogues and short readings. Exercises and drills lead to a personalized usage of the language. In order to secure a logical learning sequence, the language progresses smoothly from spoken to written word. Students discover some aspects of the civilization through cultural notes.
Spanish 2
Spanish 2 is a further development of the skills learned in the first year with increasing emphasis on listening, speaking, the mastery of basic structures, and a fundamental knowledge of more complex structures. Students develop an increased understanding and awareness of that country’s culture and its customs.
Spanish 3
Spanish 3 Honors
Highly motivated students continue special emphasis on the development of oral proficiency and on the mastery of grammar and vocabulary. Learning additional reading skills, students read brief excerpts of Spanish and Latin American literature. Students read independently and create a portfolio of writings.
Spanish 4 Honors
The student achieves a greater command of comprehension and speaking skills through oral presentations and discussions. Students continue to develop their ability to read and appreciate literary works and to express themselves both in word and in writing. Readings include diverse forms of expression: fables, short stories, and a portfolio of writings.
Advanced Placement Spanish Language and Culture
This class will prepare the student to take the Advanced Placement Spanish Language Exam in the spring. In the first semester, the students will read many excerpts from Spanish/ Spanish American literature to increase their vocabulary and review grammar rules. Lectures and discussion of the readings will be conducted in Spanish. Students will write essays that show their language/vocabulary skills, as well as their ability to develop a theme in an organized and logical manner. In addition to these activities, in the second semester, the students will begin to take practice tests to make them familiar with the format and timing of the test. An understanding of the cultural diversity of the Spanish speaking world will continue to be stressed. All AP Spanish Language students must pay the fee and sit for the examination in May. Summer work is mandatory. Prerequisite: 91% or better in Spanish 3 H Advanced, or 95% or better in Spanish 4 H and department chair signature.
Advanced Placement Spanish Literature
Spanish Literature and Culture is designed to introduce students to the formal study of Peninsular Spanish, Latin American, and U.S. Hispanic literature from the Middle Ages to the present day. The course aims to develop students’ critical reading and analytical writing skills in Spanish in order to perform successfully on the requisite AP exam. Moreover, emphasis will be placed on the development of students' abilities to make interdisciplinary connections and explore linguistic and cultural comparisons. Students will be required to write essays to analyze the different works of poetry, prose, and drama.
Spanish 5 Honors
Spanish 5 (H) Spanish 5 explores the masters of art and literature in both Spanish and Latino cultures. Novels, plays, short stories and poems are critically evaluated, and students develop the use of the language both conversationally and grammatically. Prerequisite: 95% or above average in Spanish 4 H and teacher recommendations.
Chinese 1
This course is designed for students with no prior knowledge of the Chinese language. Emphasis is placed on acquiring conversational and listening comprehension skills, using practical and interesting situational materials that will stress both language and culture. Students will learn simplified characters with the goal of reading and writing in both Pinyin and simplified Chinese characters.
Chinese 2
Chinese 3 Honors
College Prep Language and Culture
College Prep Language and Culture 2
Galileo speaks the “universal language of mathematics,” and here at SRHS, the study of mathematics enhances students’ abilities to think critically and figure accurately. The department encourages students to perfect skills, enjoy the subjects and stretch their minds through a variety of courses.
- Algebra 1
- Algebra 1 Honors
- Geometry
- Geometry Honors
- Algebra 2
- Algebra 2 and Trigonometry Honors
- Pre-Calculus
- Pre-Calculus Honors
- Applied Calculus Honors
- Statistics
- Advanced Placement Calculus AB
- Advanced Placement Calculus BC
- Multivariable Calculus
Algebra 1
In Algebra 1, students learn the basic fundamentals, which include: equations, signed numbers, graphing, sets, problem solving, formula analysis, equalities and inequalities, systems of equations in two variables, and geometric relationships pertaining to Algebra (powers, roots, radicals, polynomial operations and factoring).
Algebra 1 Honors
In geometry, students study the relationships that exist between sets of points in a plane. Students follow a logical sequence of steps from a given hypothesis to a desired conclusion through inductive and deductive reasoning resulting in geometric figures, such as the triangle, quadrilateral, polygon and circle. Students reinforce algebraic topics and apply them to basic ideas of coordinate geometry, in preparation for further courses in college preparatory mathematics. They develop thinking skills and logical arguments. Algebraic connections to geometric topics are studied, utilizing a reinforcement of Algebra 1 topics.
Geometry Honors
Algebra 2
Algebra 2 and Trigonometry Honors
Designed for students who demonstrate a strong mathematical aptitude, this fast-paced and challenging course involves a full treatment of both the Algebra 2 and Trigonometry curricula. Algebra 2 topics include the study of the real and complex number systems, polynomials, equations, applications involving problem solving in two and three variables, study of functions, logarithmic and exponential functions, and sequences and series. Trigonometric topics include the study of basic trigonometric functions, triangle trigonometry, circular functions and their graphs, trigonometric identities vectors, and polar coordinates.
Pre-Calculus Honors
This phase of the honors program thoroughly studies the concept of functions. The course begins with linear functions and continues through polynomial, exponential, logarithmic and periodic functions, probability, sequences and series. Students explore graphing techniques. Coverage of limits and continuity lay the foundation for an introduction to calculus. Probability, sequences and series will also enhance students’ concepts.
Applied Calculus Honors
This course will meet the needs of students who need to complete a fourth year in mathematics but do not need a formal pre-calculus course. This course will cover topics such as collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data, frequency distributions and graphs, data description, probability and counting rules, discrete probability distributions, and the normal distribution. Students will work on projects involving hands-on gathering and analysis of real world data and use calculators and computers to enhance their understanding of the concepts.
Advanced Placement Calculus AB
This is a first-year college course exploring the differential and integral calculus of functions of a real variable. The topics and syllabus recommended by the College Entrance Examination Board for advanced placement provide the course content. Differential calculus and its applications are covered in the first semester. Integral calculus, its applications and transcendental functions are covered in the second semester.
Advanced Placement Calculus BC
This is a first or second year college course. In this course you will explore the key concepts, methods, and applications of single-variable calculus including all topics covered in AP Calculus AP (functions, graphs, and limits, derivatives, integrals, and the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus) as well as additional topics in differential and integral calculus, such as parametric, polar and vector functions, and series. Become familiar with concepts, results, and problems expressed in multiple ways including graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally. Use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and support your conclusions.
Multivariable Calculus
The PLTW Program
Pathway To Engineering™, is a four year pre-engineering program integrated into the students’ core curriculum. The combination of traditional math and science courses with innovative Pathway To Engineering™ courses prepare students for college majors in engineering and technology fields and offers them the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school.
The Pathway To Engineering™ program begins in the ninth grade and is completed in the twelfth grade. Enrollment is limited and selection is based on student interest, willingness to commit to a four year program, math and science middle school grades, and math placement scores. Math placement scores must be above 85% national percentile for the High School Placement Test. Selected students will receive a letter of invitation with their letter of acceptance to St. Rose High School. Interested students and parents can attend a question and answer workshop.
Pathway To Engineering™ courses engage high school students through a combination of activities-based, project-based, and problem-based (APPB) learning. APPB learning not only creates an environment for applying engineering concepts to real problems, but also prepares students to: · Solve problems · Participate as part of a team · Lead teams · Speak to a public audience · Conduct research · Understand real-world impacts · Analyze data · Learn outside the classroom
The first course in the program is Introduction to Engineering Design. Students in the Pathway to Engineering™ program will also be expected to complete Principles of Engineering during their sophomore year, Civil Engineering and Architecture during their junior year and Engineering Design and Development during their senior year.
- Introduction to Engineering Design Honors
- Principles of Engineering Design Honors
- Civil Engineering and Architecture
- Engineering Design and Development
Introduction to Engineering Design Honors
Introduction to Engineering Design is a high school level foundation course in the Project Lead The Way Engineering Program. In Introduction to Engineering Design students are introduced to the engineering profession and a common approach to the solution of engineering problems, an engineering design process. Utilizing the activity-project problem-based (APPB) teaching and learning pedagogy, students will progress from completing structured activities to solving open-ended projects and problems that require them to develop planning, documentation, communication, and other professional skills. This course is part of the four year Pathway To Engineering™ program. This course exposes students to engineering design through exploring the design process, engineering standards, research and analysis, technical documentation, global and human impacts, communications methods, and teamwork. Students will develop their problem solving skills in a term-based environment. Students will create virtual models of product solutions using solid modeling computer design software in order to analyze for viability. Students will build working prototypes using laser and 3D printing technologies. There are four major projects that are used to guide the student through the four units in this course. These projects include the Puzzle Cube, Toy Train, Reverse Engineering Project, and Final Design Project.
Principles of Engineering Design Honors
This survey course of engineering exposes students to major concepts they’ll encounter in a post secondary engineering course of study. Students employ engineering and scientific concepts in the solution of engineering design problems. They develop problem-solving skills and apply their knowledge of research and design to create solutions to various challenges, documenting their work and communicating solutions to peers and members of the professional community.
Civil Engineering and Architecture
Engineering Design and Development
Business and Technology
- Advanced Placement Computer Science
- Advanced Placement MacroEconomics
- Accounting 1
- Personal Finance
- Computer Programming using Java Honors
- Introduction to Programming using Web Design/HTML
Advanced Placement Computer Science
Advanced Placement Computer Science A is a fast paced course equivalent to a college introductory programming class. Students will learn about the exciting kinds of problems tackled by computer science while exploring the field’s most important tool—programming. The course will explore systematic problem solving strategies that can be applied to real world problems The focus will be on writing full classes and the logic and structures around building them. Throughout the course, students will study common reusable algorithms and learn to analyze them for correctness and speed. This course will cover fundamentals of programming syntax and methodology using the Java programming language. Java is a modern, object oriented programming language used to create professional software. In addition to gaining fluency in Java, students will develop general computer skills and consider the social and ethical implications of computing. (text adapted from
Advanced Placement MacroEconomics
The purpose of the Advanced Placement course in MacroEconomics is to give students a thorough understanding of the principles of economics that apply to an economic system as a whole. The course places particular emphasis on the study of national income and price-level determination, and also develops students’ familiarity with economic performance measures, the financial sector, stabilization policies, economic growth, and international economics.
Accounting 1
In this course, students will prepare for college level accounting with an introduction to the concepts and uses of financial accounting information in a business environment and its role in the economic decision-making process. This course of study will include the theory of debits and credits, special journals, the accounting cycle, notes and interest, receivables and payables, accruals and deferrals, measurement and valuation of assets and liabilities, the determination of net income (profit) and the preparation and analysis of basic financial statements.
Personal Finance
Personal Financial Management focuses on the consumer of financial services. This course will build a foundation from which the student can grow in their understanding of the financial world. Topics will include financial institutional and banking services, income, money management, spending and credit, saving and investing and the principles of backward design.
Computer Programming using Java Honors
This course will introduce students to use, structure and implementation of an object-oriented programming language, one of the most commonly used today-Java. Emphasis for this course is Java language syntax, use of objects and classes, and programming logic. These skills will enable the students to produce Java applets and small Java computer programs. This course is recommended for students interested in pursuing Engineering, Math and Computer Science majors.
Introduction to Programming using Web Design/HTML
This course will introduce students to computer programming logic and programming use, structure and implementation. Students will explore various programming tools as well as explore app development. Using HTML and JavaScript the students will create programs which generate both static and interactive web sites and web pages. The web pages will be graphical in design, appearance, and implementation. Students will leave the class with a basic understanding of programming as well as some app development.
“Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.” Albert Einstein. The goal of every science class is knowledge based on the successful integration of science and religion.
- Principles of Science
- Biology
- Biology Honors
- Chemistry
- Chemistry Honors
- Marine Science
- Forensic Science
- Anatomy and Physiology Honors
- Robotics
- Horticulture and Gardening
- Physics
- Physics Honors
- Advanced Placement Biology
- Advanced Placement Chemistry
- Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Principles of Science
This course presents physical science topics with an emphasis on mastery of the skills necessary for high achievement in more advanced courses. Students study functional skills taught in the classroom and lab, including metrics, graphing, mathematical problem solving, equation manipulation, note taking, and lab reporting within the context of general chemistry and physics topics.
In this lab, science course students discover concepts of classical, modern, and current biology. It includes the study of the cell, energy transformation, genetics, evolution, classification and the structures and functions of the six kingdoms. Critical thinking, creativity, and evaluation skills are stressed. Weekly labs reinforce concepts and introduce hands on experimental techniques.
Biology Honors
This biological laboratory science course meets six periods a week to enable highly motivated students opportunities to investigate all aspects of living organisms with a focus at the molecular level. Topics include biochemistry, cell biology, energy transformation, genetics and biotechnology, evolution, classification of organisms, and the structure and function of organisms in the six kingdoms. Laboratory activities challenge the students and form an integral portion of the students’ assessment.
In this lab science course that meets six periods a week, students encounter major chemical principles such as modern atomic theory, chemical periodicity, stoichiometry, as well as acid and base theory. Students engage in critical thinking, logic and creativity: each must have a working knowledge of algebra, including equations, graphs, and verbal problem solving. Weekly laboratory work includes preparation for a college level course. Students complete written reports and one project per quarter.
Chemistry Honors
This laboratory science course, that meets six periods a week, emphasizes problem solving to provide students with a strong understanding of inorganic chemistry concepts. Topics covered include atomic theory, nomenclature, stoichiometry, scientific experimentation, research and balancing equations. A weekly laboratory experiment presents students with the opportunity to confirm the concepts examined during class.
Marine Science
This year long science class focuses on the study of different marine environments, especially the local ocean, beach and estuary. The biological, physical and chemical components of the ocean, including marine life and ocean exploration are studied. Emphasis is placed on making connections between human impact of the marine environment and the local/global consequences of these impacts. Prerequisite: Successful completion of Biology and Chemistry.
Forensic Science
Forensic Science is a full year science elective course that focuses on practices and analysis of physical evidence found at crime scenes. Students will apply Biology, Chemistry and Physics concepts to crime science investigation. This course is designed to explain the sciences used in the various forensic science techniques. Topics covered in this course include evidence collection, study and analysis of hair, fibers, fingerprints, pollen, blood splatter, ballistics, and other forms of evidence found at a crime scene.
Anatomy and Physiology Honors
This laboratory science course satisfies the academically motivated student who has an interest in advanced biology. With the understanding of introductory biological, chemical and physical processes, this course expands into the topics of anatomy, physiology, and the basis of diseases and disorders that occur. Laboratory work includes extensive study of specimens and emphasizes instrumentation and technique.
In a world being filled each day by greater use of robots, this course will introduce students to the world of Robotic design, programming, and implementation. Using detailed instruction, students will construct a variety of different robots which they will learn how to program in order to perform a variety of tasks. They will also have the freedom to modify the instructions, as well as deign, build and program their own robotic structures in order to explore in creative ways the tasks which robots can perform.
Horticulture and Gardening
This semester elective course provides instruction on the broad field of horticulture with emphasis on the knowledge needed to successfully start and maintain a sustainable backyard garden. Topics in this course include plant growth and development, basic plant identification, plant nutrition, media selection, integrated Pest Management and career options. Assignments will be academic and project based in nature.
This laboratory science course focuses on conceptual development of physics’ topics with a moderate level of problem solving. Students discover the classical areas of physics including mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, sound, light, optics, and electromagnetism. Laboratory exercises strengthen student understanding of the material presented in lecture.
Physics Honors
This honors level laboratory science course that meets six periods a week strongly emphasizes mathematical problem solving to provide students with an in-depth understanding of physics’ concepts. The course focuses on classical mechanics, thermodynamics, waves, sounds, light and optics, and electromagnetism. Additionally, students investigate quantum mechanics and nuclear theory. Weekly laboratory experiments allow students to reinforce the concepts presented during lecture.
Advanced Placement Biology
This six period, two-semester course, is designed to offer qualified students the opportunity to take a college level course in biology. The AP Biology course is divided into major areas of molecules and cells, evolution and heredity, and organisms and populations. Significant emphasis is placed on inquiry learning and conceptual understanding of scientific process. This course offers the possibility for gaining college credit for an introductory college level course.
Advanced Placement Chemistry
The Advance Placement Chemistry course provides students with training in the areas of material design, fuels, and pharmaceuticals through guided inquiry labs, with a focus on science skills and a more focused curriculum on content relevant to today’s problems. The final exam will assess students’ mental models of the particulate nature of matter. The AP Chemistry course is designed to be the equivalent of the general chemistry course usually taken during the first college year. This study of advanced topics will prepare students for a STEM degree and successful career.
Advanced Placement Environmental Science
Students in this six period, two-semester course, develop a better understanding of the natural ecosystems and the human induced problems in our environment. Classroom discussions, group projects, off campus investigations, and trips to local sites of interest make the students’ experiences diverse. Research is analytical and topical, using both original field experimentation and second hand resources such as library materials and internet sites. The student’s performance on the advanced placement test may qualify them for college credit.
Students discover and enhance their own artistic gifts as they study the humanities to gain appreciation for the arts. This department’s course of study allows students to discover ways in which humans express themselves through fine and graphic arts as well as through a variety of musical expressions. In some courses, students may contract to receive honors credit.
- Foundations of Art
- Computer Graphics 1
- Advanced Drawing (H)
- Advanced Design
- Portfolio Art (H)
- Advanced Placement Studio Art in Drawing or 2-D Design
- Architectural Drawing & Design
- Chorus
Foundations of Art
This is a course rich in content and challenges for all learners. This class is recommended for beginning students who wish to pursue a career in art as well as students who are interested in fulfilling their graduation requirements in arts. The course covers all of the basic Elements of Art and Principles of Design, offering challenges to students as well as increasing their perception, thinking and creativity skills.
Computer Graphics 1
Students study two-dimensional graphic design in a merging of traditional art and the technology of the computer. They will explore basic elements of design and learn to communicate ideas visually and to think creatively as they solve a variety of problems. Students will use Adobe Suite including Illustrator and PhotoShop.
Advanced Drawing (H)
This course strives to increase skills and knowledge in drawing by deriving its content from the Elements of Art: Space, Color, Line, Texture, Shape, Value, Form. The students will explore in depth various mark making styles and techniques through the use of media such as pencil, charcoal, markers, crayon, and paint.
Advanced Design
A course that strives to increase skills and knowledge in design by deriving its content from the Principles of Design: Movement, Emphasis, Unity, Harmony, Balance, Contrast, Proportion, Pattern. The student will explore in depth the concept of creating in a given space through various techniques and styles using two dimensional and three dimensional media.
Portfolio Art (H)
Advanced Placement Studio Art in Drawing or 2-D Design
Architectural Drawing & Design
Architectural Drawing & Design, a full year course offered at CPA and Honors level, takes students through the study of the design processes of residential and public area planning. Exploration of three dimensional space is incorporated with basic drawing and design skills, and the study of the history of architecture. Students interested in the college level study of architecture should take this class in their junior year to prepare a portfolio for college applications.
St. Rose is proud to provide a credited after school chorus class. The class is based on a trimester calendar. 2.0 credits are awarded for each trimester. Completion of 3 trimesters will complete your Graduation Requirement for a fine or performing art. This course of study is devoted to the introduction and development of basic singing techniques, sight reading skills and basic music theory concepts. The group will be performing throughout the year AM and PM and attendance is required for all performances. The performances are included in the schedule; however, there may be additions. The course will operate for 3 sessions throughout the year. Students are welcome to attend the sessions that best meet their time schedules. The course’s objective is to provide students an opportunity to participated in an educational choir experience through the process of singing fundamentals, lectures, rehearsals, examinations both oral and written, performances, and providing music for the school masses.
Health and Physical Education
All students take at least 12.5 credits of the following courses designed to improve their knowledge regarding their general health.
- Freshman Physical Education
- Chemical Substance Awareness
- Personalized Unified Mobility Program (PUMP)
- Sophomore Physical Education
- Sophomore Health
- Driver Education
- Junior Health and First Aid
- Mixed Physical Education
- Yoga
- Personal Fitness
- Coaching Theory
Freshman Physical Education
Chemical Substance Awareness
Personalized Unified Mobility Program (PUMP)
This freshman class emphasizes physical fitness, sportsmanship and helps students recognize the importance of being drug free. Students learn about the dangers of misuse, abuse and dependence. Freshman engineering students are eligible to complete this non-traditional course after school for grade 9 PE credit.
Sophomore Physical Education
Sophomore Health
Driver Education
The Driver Education course is required of all sophomores. Here they will complete the classroom portion of driving instruction covering New Jersey driving laws and regulations. All aspects of driving will be covered. The state permit test will be administered at the end of the quarter by a state certified instructor. Only one re-test will be given.
Junior Health and First Aid
Students learn basic first aid/CPR according to the American Heart Association Guidelines. Emphasis is on the prevention of accidents and treatments for basic emergency situations such as bleeding, poisoning, cooking, burns, bone and joint injuries and shock. The health portion of this course includes nutrition and eating disorders, communicable diseases, human growth and development, and family living.
Mixed Physical Education
The purpose of this course is to provide students with the opportunity to develop their yoga practice , in order to continue to cultivate self-awareness and an appreciation for healthy living. During this course students will focus their practice on the Ashtanga Vinyasa series of yoga, which involves synchronizing the breath with a series of postures. This process will produce intense internal heat and a profuse, purifying sweat that detoxifies muscles and organs. The result is improved circulation, a light and strong body, and a calm mind.
Personal Fitness
This course covers fundamental and current topics in physical fitness, diet and stress. This program encourages students to develop an individual and optimum level of fitness, to acquire knowledge of physical fitness concepts, and to understand the significance of lifestyle in one’s health and fitness. Student centered practical application labs such as a two-mile run, weight lifting and aerobics are required portions of the curriculum.
Coaching Theory
This course is a comprehensive introduction to the coaching profession. Emphasis is placed on sports at the high school and serious club levels. Consideration is also given to coaching at other levels, such as youth recreation and intercollegiate sports programs. The primary goal of the course is to develop and enhance students’ knowledge and understanding of the concepts and techniques of coaching and their application to achieving important objectives in working with athletes. The course will combine the sports science theory and research with the practical knowledge and methods of expert coaches in the five essential categories of coaching education and professional practice. Principles and practical applications are presented and thoroughly explained for each of these five important dimensions of coaching.